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I read on the internet that there are dangerous levels of a toxic weed killer in many common vaccines. Is this true? Should I be worried? – Rebecca T., Wilton, CT.
Great question to start off our Ask a Scientist series, Rebecca. Here are the facts:
This claim was posted online by a group called Mom’s Across America (or MAA, which is the guttural noise of frustration that I make after reading their website). I’m not linking to their site because it contains biased anti-GMO, anti-chemical info while also conveniently selling their own line of homeopathic health supplements. They sell a product for “mineral health”, which is not a thing, and it contains “72 essential trance minerals.” Mind you they don’t say what these essential minerals are, nor do they address the fact that there are less then 20 scientifically accepted essential minerals. I think you get the point.
Dear Mr. Pruitt,
First let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. E.A. Thackaberry, and I am your boss. Actually, I’m your boss’ boss, since the President of the United States technically works for me and the other American citizens. I am writing this letter to you because it seems you have failed to grasp some basic scientific concepts which are critical for your new job as head of the Environmental Protection Agency. As your boss, I want to help you, because I want you to succeed in your new role.
There are a whole lot of people on statins these days. Statins are a class of drugs intended to lower your LDL (the so-called “bad” cholesterol), leading to a reduction in heart disease risk. This is great, but many patients are surprised to learn that they have to avoid grapefruits and grapefruit juice while taking statins, and since statins are generally taken daily for long periods of time, this can essentially mean no more grapefruit products for many people.
What do doctors have against grapefruits? Do people really need to avoid them completely? Aren’t apples supposed to keep doctors away? UseYourBrain has the answers.