Microscopic laughs

In fairness, this is a picture of a bristle worm, a deep sea creature that is not a human parasite. However, sometimes dank memes transcend taxonomy.

But seriously researchers are developing vaccines for parasitic disease like malaria tho: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.09.057

Advocate for UYBFS

Truly, A Foolproof Plan

One of our favorite cell biology-based joke comics. If you know the source, let us know!

A comic in which a prisoner receives a box in his prison cell. his cellmate asks, "whatcha got there Jim?" to which Jim responds "transport proteins." Over the next three panels Jim passes through the cell wall, a pun on the biological function of transport proteins, which facilitate the movement of molecules across cellular membranes (or walls) in cells and microorganisms.


Make America Smart Again 1

Make America Smart

Climate change 4

Global warming is warm

Vaccines 2

Vaccines immunology

Climate change 3

Climate change chemistry

Climate change 2

Climate change warmer