Climate change 4

Global warming is warm

Climate change 3

Climate change chemistry

Climate change 2

Climate change warmer

An Open Letter to Scott Pruitt, Head of the EPA

An Open Letter to Scott Pruitt, Head of the EPA

Dear Mr. Pruitt,

First let me introduce myself.  My name is Dr. E.A. Thackaberry, and I am your boss.  Actually, I’m your boss’ boss, since the President of the United States technically works for me and the other American citizens. I am writing this letter to you because it seems you have failed to grasp some basic scientific concepts which are critical for your new job as head of the Environmental Protection Agency. As your boss, I want to help you, because I want you to succeed in your new role.


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Wait, what do 97% of climate scientists really agree on?

Wait, what do 97% of climate scientists really agree on?

You’ve probably heard the statistic before. 97% percent of scientists agree that global warming is real.  People throw this number around, but where did it come from, and what exactly does it mean? Here at, we’re all about facts (though apparently not about brevity in our blog name), so here’s the skinny on this often misquoted number.

First, the statement above  is wrong.


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What would life be without the EPA?

Life without the Environmental Protection Agency

Global Warming


Global warming concept

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