Source of said ridiculous question: Yahoo Answers
Science’s answer: No. Current photographic methods, even the most advanced digital photography, are incapable of capturing the energy emitted by an object and re-transmitting it from a picture. You can stare at a picture of the sun all you’d like. But maybe read a book instead?
Ridiculous question from the internet: Is an egg a fruit or a vegetable?
Source of said ridiculous question: Yahoo Answers
Science’s answer: Sooo… The eggs we eat come from chickens. Chickens are funny, but chickens are not plants. A good rule of thumb is if it walks around pecking at the ground it is not a plant. Technically, flowering plants (which include fruits and vegetables) do have eggs, which are pollinated rather than fertilized (like animal eggs). Plants do not lay eggs, but they do release seeds, some of which people do like to eat.
Ridiculous question from the internet: Do babies pee (or poop) in the womb?
Source of said ridiculous question: Google autofill
Science’s answer: Yes! They totally do! All babies pee in the womb. Yes, it’s gross, you drank your own pee for several months, get over it. Most babies do not poo in the womb, but some (around 10%) will have their first movement before they are born. This can actually be a problem, leading to respiratory distress after the fetus aspirates the poo. Yeah, real funny, laugh it up. You’re so immature…
Ridiculous question from the internet: Why doesn’t the Earth fall down?
Source of said ridiculous question:
Science’s answer: The concept of “down” that you & I know is based on the gravity of the earth, which pulls objects toward the center of it’s mass. In turn, the earth is held in place by the gravity of the sun, so “falling down” for the earth would basically mean plunging towards the sun. The earth is being drawn towards the sun, but it doesn’t fall closer to the sun because it’s sideways motion is sufficient to prevent this. The combination of the pull of the sun and the sideways motion of the earth creates an orbit. The earth orbits the sun just like the moon (or satellites) orbit the earth.