And yet…
People are eating “pods” of detergent because the internet told them it was a good idea.
There is close to a 100% chance that, as someone who decided to read a post from a science advocacy website, you already know that eating laundry detergent is not a good idea. Children occasionally have eaten these pods through the years, enticed by their bright colors and nice smell. U.S. poison control received over 10,000 reports of children who ingested detergent pods in 2017. Most of these kids were just fine, because they used their already highly advanced brains to quickly figure out they shouldn’t eat the whole thing, but these pods can be dangerous to kids, and there are warning labels all over the boxes reminding you to store them away form small children. To date, there are eight confirmed deaths from eating detergent pods, mostly in adults with dementia.
The trouble started with a satirical article from The Onion in 2015. It was written form the perspective of a toddler talking about how he was going to find a way to eat a detergent pod no matter what his parents did to stop him. It was funny, but it spawned an internet meme – the Tide Pod Challenge – which is basically a fake version of the ice bucket or cinnamon challenge. The meme was funny too, but (as often happens) some people either didn’t understand it was a joke, or just decided to take it too far. The Onion is now making fun of the meme that they started three years ago. YouTube is taking down Tide Pod Challenge videos and Tide has added a bitter tasting substance to their pods to try and stop people from eating them. All this because of a silly joke.
So what is in a Tide Pod? Glad you asked!
Detergents. These chemicals breakdown dirt and do most of the cleaning. They are also pretty nasty when they contact your skin, mouth, esophagus, or stomach lining.
Polymers. After detergents pull dirt out of clothes, these bind with dirt in the water and keep it from going back into the clothes.
Enzymes. These break down specific natural components often found in stains
Other stuff
The detergents are the biggest concern here. They will irritate your mouth, esophagus and stomach. Because of this, it’s probably very rare for anyone to eat an entire Tide Pod, because it will hurt, and you will probably throw up. Eating one pod will not kill you, but if you eat enough it could. They are particularly dangerous if you inhale some of the ingredients, which can happen as you are gasping in pain or vomiting. The detergents can severely damage your lungs, leading to potentially life-threatening respiratory distress. At very high doses, these pods can cause seizures, pulmonary edema, respiratory arrest, coma, and even death.
Do not eat detergent pods. They are poison. This is an Internet joke, and while the Internet is very useful and often very funny, it has been known to mislead people from time to time. This is one of those times.